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Where'd you get that name? (Yes, that IS the most frequently asked question.)
I wanted something unique, and something southern, since I'm born and bred in South Carolina.
Flat possums may not be unique to the south, but I sure do see (and make) a few of them when I drive around.
Why'd you start the business?
I've been doing corporate graphic work for years, and had been contemplating going out on my own. When I was handed a pink slip one day, it looked like it was time to finally take the leap and start my own company. I love working with people and helping companies, and designing art that makes everyone happy.
How long will it take?
One thing I've learned from creating logos and other art over the years is that it sometimes takes time to get the art right. As much as we all want it, they haven't made the "Make Good Art" button on the keyboard. Until they do, I guess we'll just have to work together to come up with great design that everyone is pleased with.
Is your pottery dishwasher safe?
Yes, it is! In fact, it can be used in the microwave, oven & the glazes are food safe. You can enjoy your favorite meals, side dishes & desserts knowing all is well & clean up is easy!
Where can I buy the pottery? Do you ship it?
You can always buy direct from the Head Possum! Call, email, text & DM on Facebook or Instagram.
You can buy mugs in a few small towns in SC & NC:
In Clemson, SC, be sure to visit Clemson Variety & Frame on College Avenue in downtown Tiger town!
If you are in the western part of NC, you can find mugs at The Wrinkled Egg in Flat Rock right on Greenville
Highway in little rainbow row.
In Brevard, be sure to stop by Local Color on Broad Street & tell Paul you are looking for Flat Possum mugs.
I am in Columbia, SC but I do ship pottery all over the United States.
Don't see exactly what you want? - I make custom orders all the time!
Be sure to send a message with any specific details of color of glaze, spelling of names or towns, dates, any details you can include.
How long have you been doing pottery?
A long time. While in college majoring in art, I never had the chance to take a ceramics class. So after I graduated I took some continuing education classes just for fun. It turned out I enjoyed pottery and wasn't too bad at making a glob of clay stick to the center of the bat on the wheel.
I was taking pottery classes up until my kids were born, and then I had a long hiatus of about 15 or so years. Then my wife gave me a gift certificate for a pottery class. I wondered if it would be as easy as riding a bike again. Yes, I did remember how-tos and the muscle memory came back. I really enjoyed it so I found a local studio where I could rent space & use all the tools & kilns & glazes.
I have been consistently making it since 2013 when I established FlatPossum LLC.

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